Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Cuba- Home Sweet Home

Alan Gross, who's permanent home is in Maryland, has found himself in a predicament. He has landed him self in jail at a Cuban prison, for bringing illegal media equipment into the country. The sentence? 15 years of hard time. Moss is hoping for an executive pardon from the country for his release. Former President Jimmy Carter travelled to Cuba and met with Fidel and Raul Castro, in hopes of releasing Moss. The first comment to Jimmy Carter from the Cuba government about his visit "The freedom of Alan Gross will not be granted."


  1. This is one of those things that you should research the law of other countries before you go to them. In his defense though he probably did't think that Media equipment would get him in jail. Being a communist country though anything is possible!!!

  2. No one wants to be in a Cuban Prison
